
How Much Do Amazon Consultants Charge? (+ How To Get Free Consulting)

How Much Do Amazon Consultants Charge?

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Before explaining what Amazon consultant do and finding out how much Amazon consultants charge, let’s make sure we’re on the same page. For the sake of clarification, I am talking here about external consultants that help businesses sell on Amazon. These could be confused for consultants that work at Amazon, so called Amazon Account Managers.

What do Amazon Consultants do?

The Amazon platform has become as big as it is, thanks to its focus on customer centrism. A mantra that is ingrained in the very backbone of the organization by founder Jeff Bezos. That’s why Amazon is a leader in customer experience.


That same level of simplicity and user-friendliness does not copy across behind the scenes. As an Amazon’s third party seller you are exposed to a steep learning curve. On top of that, you have to navigate yourself around in Seller Central. It’s old-fashioned User Interface many tabs and options can make your life as a seller quite difficult.

The technical aspect is just a minor percentage of the challenges Amazon poses. 


How do you make sure that you’re adhering 100% to Amazon’s strict guidelines?


Why are your products being suppressed? 


Why are your advertising campaigns not having impressions?


Why are customers not buying your product?


Is your product converting at a high level? (Read more on how to increase your conversion rate here)


A good amazon sales consultant can help with all of this:
  • Regulation: Making sure you and your products are compliant
  • Help with reinstating products that have been suppressed due to non-compliance
  • Optimizing your product pages, e.g. making sure your products are SEO optimized
  • Helping you set up advertising campaigns and making these profitable
How Much Do Amazon Consultants Charge
Be wary of a Amazon consultant companies that claims to specialize in all areas. 

Which pizza would you prefer: 


    • Pizza from a pizzeria 
    • Pizza from a restaurant that sells Chinese, Italian food and Greek food
You get the ‘cheesy’ metaphor.


Serious consultants either specialize on compliance, while others specialize more on product optimization, and others specialize on PPC. 


At GoodSellas we have a consultant in each category. 

How Much Do Amazon Consultants Charge?

An Amazon Consultant charges from anywhere between $50 and $500 per hour, with the average consultant in North-America charging $185 per hour. How much Amazon Consultants charge depends heavily on the overall experience the have, their area of expertise and their reputation.


Some consultants offer a retainer model or offer monthly Account Management services and include limited consulting services in this offer.


As with everything you truly pay for what you get. This is especially the case when it comes to Amazon business consulting. The right 60 minutes of advice can truly make or break a business. It happens too often that companies try to save a few dollars on hiring low rate consultants. These consultants have very little real life experiences. 


Selling on Amazon is a fragile undertaking. Using the wrong keyword can get your product suspended. Approaching advertising with the wrong PPC strategy can drain your budget. The wrong compliance advice can get your account irreversibly suspended. 


On the other hand, forking out a few extra bucks for someone who’s been there, done that, and successfully consulted for hundreds of companies can truly make a world of difference. 

Today is your lucky day. We’re giving 30 minutes of consulting away for free. Schedule a call with me, and 30 minutes long you can blast all your questions my way. I’ll answer them as well as I can, entirely free, with no strings attached.

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